Unter den folgenden Links finden Sie wissenschaftliche Fachinformationen über klinische Studien zum Themenkreis Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeit und Immuntests:
- Treating irritable bowel syndrome with a food elimination diet
- Immune suppression of IgG response against dairy proteins in major depression
- Food-specific IgGs Are Highly Increased in the Sera of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and are Clinically Relevant to the Pathogenesis
- Correlation between childhood eczema and specific IgG antibody level
- Specific IgG4 antibodies to cow’s milk proteins in pediatric patients with eosinophilic esophagitis
- The role of food-specific IgG antibody test in diagnosis and treatment of mild recurrent aphthous ulcer
- The Food-Specific Serum IgG Reactivity in Major Depressive Disorder Patients, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients and Healthy Controls
- A role for complement receptors
- Detection of serum food specific antibodies
- ELISA to detect anti-IgG antibodies
- Features of gluten sensitivity in children
- Gluten free diet
- Immunoglobulin A and immunoglobulin G antibodies against β-lactoglobulin and gliadin
- Investigation on intolerance to food and eating habits
- Immunoglobulin G antibodies in irritable bowel syndrome
- Patients suspected of having non-celiac gluten sensitivity
- Specific antibodies in oral immunotherapy for cow’s milk allergy
- Study of food intolerance in 2434 children
- The role of IgG hypersensitivity for depressive disorder
- Ausschluss von Ei und Milch bei Asthmakindern
- IgG4 und IgE bei Reizdarm
- Antikörperreaktionen bei Enterocolitis
- IgE und IgG Antikörper bei Kindern
- IgG, IgA und IgM Titer gegen die Nahrungsmittelantigene
- Atopische Dermatitis
- Magen-Darm- (GI) -Beschwerden und -Diagnose bei Kindern
- NRML-Elimination auf der Basis von IgG Antikörper
- Getreideallergie oder -unverträglichkeit bei Kindern
- Nahrungsmittelallergien und -unverträglichkeitsreaktionen
- Antikörper bei Kindern mit Zöliakie
- IgG Subklassen gegen Nahrungsmittelantigene
- Antikörper gegen Nahrungsmittelproteine und Darmpermeabilität
- Kuhmilchprotein-Unverträglichkeit
- Serum IgA und IgG Aktivität gegen Nahrungsmittelantigene
- Vegetarische und glutenfreie Ernährung bei Rheuma
- IgG Antikörper gegen Nahrungsmittel und IgE Antikörper gegen Milch
- IgG vermittelte Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeit bei Reizdarmsyndrom
- Celiac disease
- Detection of IgG, IgE, IgA and IgM antibodies
- Food elimination diet based on IgG antibodies
- Guidelines for Food intolerances
- Meat-specific IgG and IgA antibodies
- Testing for food reactions
- Alterations of food-antigen specific serum immunglobulins G and E antibodies
- An Italian prospective multicenter survey on patients suspected of having non-celiac gluten sensitivity
- Clinical, serologic and histologic features of gluten sensitivity
- Detection of serum food specific antibodies
- Development of a surface display ELISA
- Diet restriction in migraine, based on IgG against foods
- Diet restriction in migrane, based on IgG against food
- Effect of gluten free diet on immune response to gliadin
- Food allergy mediated by IgG antibodies associated with migraine in adults
- Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy in the USA
- IgG and IgE avidity characteristics of peanut allergic individuals
- IgG antibodies against food antigens are correlated with inflammation
- IgG antibodies in food allergy influence allergen-antibody complex formation
- Immunglobulin A and immunglobulin G antibodies against β lactoglobulin and gliadin
- Microfold (M) cells: important immunosurveillance posts
- Modulation of mucosal immunity
- The therapeutic effects of eliminating allergic foods
- Time to reconsider the clinical value of immunglobulin G4 to foods
- Transepithelial antigen delivery in the small intestine