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Kraftvoll atmen - starkes Immunsystem mit richtiger Ernährung

When, if not now? Change your diet – strengthen your immune system

Whether your immune system is strong or weak depends to a large extent on your diet. Now, while you are at home, is exactly the right time to change your diet.

In times of coronavirus, it is particularly important to have a good and strong immune system. A strong immune system does not protect against infection. But it ensures that you get fewer and less severe symptoms of the disease and that you survive the infection better. What many people don’t know is that around 80% of the immune system is located in the intestines. This is because the intestines and the associated mucous membranes up to the throat, mouth and nose are our largest organs of contact with the outside world.

Now is the perfect time to change your diet

So if you have digestive problems or often feel tired or unfocused, you can assume that your immune system is not working well and that your body is reacting to normal foods. Of course, this increases the likelihood that you will pick up every virus that flies past you. Now, while you are at home, is the ideal time to change your diet and strengthen your immune system. The desire to change your diet is often thwarted by the fact that the people around you eat differently than you would like to, for example at parties or family celebrations. There are none of these distractions at the moment, so now is the perfect time to build your diet to suit you.

We will be happy to show you how to find out which food is good for you and your immune system.

Get in touch – when, if not now: We offer free, no-obligation advice to find out whether and how we can best help you.


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