Ortsstraße 22 D-35423 Lich/Ober-Bessingen
Fax: +49 (0) 6404-90458
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Skin lesions and severe itching – Lucy the cat

How do I find out which food is suitable?

Our veterinary practice in the beautiful Lower Rhine region has been working with the Cytolabor in Lich since October 2013. Nowadays our patients, especially dogs and cats, suffer more and more frequently from allergies. Allergic changes are usually characterized by severe itching, hair loss and so-called “hot spots” on the skin. However, gastrointestinal disorders are also not uncommon. These allergies are often food-related and a change of food is unavoidable. But which food can the owner give his pet? Here is an example from our practice:

Cat Lucy is constantly scratching herself and losing hair

Mr. Fischer (name changed) visited our consultation with his cat “Lucy”. He complained that Lucy was constantly scratching herself and losing hair. After an intensive examination, the vet found the following: crusty hot spots all over the body, hair loss and an immediate “itching reaction” as soon as the cat was touched.

Mr. Fischer decided to order a Cytolisa test to find out whether his cat had a food allergy. After the blood sample was taken, Lucy was given a cortisone injection to relieve the massive itching, which causes enormous stress for animals. After a few days, the veterinary practice received the test result. Lucy showed a strong reaction to cereals and some types of meat.

Changed food after the Cytolisa test result – Lucy has a beautiful coat again and no itching

After Mr. Fischer received the evaluation, he promptly changed Lucy’s diet and only fed her ingredients that did not trigger an immune reaction. He gave her raw meat and vegetables to go with it. Today Lucy has a shiny coat, no more skin changes and above all no itching. Mr. Fischer continues to stick to the feeding plan and is happy to have a happy, stress-free cat again.

Veterinary practice Wilhelm Bühner

Mrs. Nadja Ghafoor
Keylaer 71
47623 Kevelaer
Tel.: 02832/799544